Thursday, April 14, 2016

The only thing you can control in life

Miguel Rivas
CEO - First Choice Solutions

Life isn't overnight you only live once, you live day by day. You never know what is going happened tomorrow or where are you going to be in the next 5 years, fine you can plan what to do but we don't own the future, we don't own anything because guess what once we are done with life and either we go to heaven or go to the hell whatever you have made is going to belong to somebody else.

At my early age 23 years old I have been watching inspirational/motivational movies and videos even read books about success but all I can tell is that success cannot be control but the only thing that we can control in life is effort. Write a book can take years, develop a product may take a day or 2 and it doesn't matter what industry you are marketing but it matters you are creating urgency to consumers to buy from you and for that you need to go extra mile to go and get it.

First Choice Solutions BPO was created to help USA and Canadian companies to reduce the overhead, operation cost and help companies to interact with consumers/customers, I know success doesn't come overnight I know it may take years or it may take months to become a recognize brand but I'll tell you what my passion is to connect university/college students with a job opportunity and can contribute with the country development where I belong to (El Salvador).

Many things have been going on with El Salvador but I am sure you will not find in the world hard workers than us and is not because I am Salvadorean is because I know for sure if I don't have I will take a bus and if there is not bus to get to work I'll walk and if it is raining and I don't have an umbrella I know I can get sick by walking on the street inside of the storm but I know there is a family waiting for my support and I know the opportunity can be easily taken from somebody else if I miss to work.

First Choice Solutions will help you out to reach all your goals and be treat as if you are working with an in-house operator.  P:+719-239-5560

A day in the insurance industry

Most of insurance agents works at their own pace, either could be from home or at their office. The game plan is to drive new businesses on a daily basis and make undefined amount of calls to get the conversion rate that has been establish from their team leader or if their work independently the goal they set. However, they have to handle current policies for their existing clients base, filling out paperwork.

First Choice Solutions BPO has interviewing many insurance agents and the answer was that they spend most of the time filling out paperwork or re-filling paper work than making an actual sale.

First Choice Solutions specialize in the time consuming activities at a lower labor cost with the same quality of service that can be deliver in your in-house operation.

Visit us we can help you out to reach your sales goals or lead with those activities that keep your focus away from your core value activities.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Demand generation vs Lead generation

When marketing a product/service B2B we all create a strategy to boost our sales and create profitability but how we ever stop for a second to see the different between each other?

Demand Generation:

Can be use with inbound and outbound marketing to promote a service/product and it is one of the most expensive one, can be done with direct mail.

Demand generation is letting your niche know about your existence on which you'll use videos, events,blogs,white papers.

Lead Generation:

We are basically trying to get consumers contact information and might be offering a free service(white papers) so in exchange they can provide an email, at the end of the day if you have a product/service you can reach out to them later or even sell their data to another party interesting in getting their data.

At the end of the day what matter is conversion rate and as much as contacts you can get more probabilities to close deals you'll be getting.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Elevator pitch-make sure to send it back

Elevator pitch has been used for many reasons:

-Job opportunity
-Closed a deal
-Get a new job tittle

We have to have our goals very clear and have the ability to change the mindset of the person that we are pitching.

Remember to keep it short and simple and that catch the person's attention, make sure to answer all the questions.

Once you get the job done make sure to send the elevator back:

If somebody pitches you with a great idea that can bring value to your business help them out, we all start from the ground and when the chance comes out to help others don't miss out the chance to help.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

How to build customer trust

Enterprises with great client/customer relationship are able to grow their business and stayed in business for a long-term but for those that don't pill pack their things back home sooner that expect it.

Build trust takes hard work and a lot of time. People most of the time looks for transparency,consistency and to be treated as a king.
If a client/customer trust you can be for different circumstances:-Price-Unique and helpful product-There is an urgency for them to buy from you

82% out 100% is the percentage that a satisfy client will give you a great reputation if you treat them the way you will like to treat. In the other hand if you miss to deliver a package, miss a promise,etc. You'll be jumping on the media as the irresponsale company.

Customers are the number one reason of a business no matter what circumstances you are facing, we need to meet client expectations.

Providing the right tools, training, equipment and technologies will allow your sales/customer service team to deliver the information-answers in a timely manner and will avoid 2-4 call backs regarding the same issue.

Transparency is priceless, let's pretend you are in the e-commerce business and you keep misleading customers on their shipment don't wait months to see a social media campaign against your business, honesty is most appreciated than false expectations.

You cannot rely your problems to a third party vendor in this case the shipment company because at the end if you unsatisfied customers we bet 100% they will not come back.

Miguel Rivas
First Choice Solutions

TCPA Compliance, Do you know the rules for cold calling?

We have ways of providing "OPT IN" leads to your business!  (800)383-1381 x 211
Unless the recipient has given prior express consent, the TCPA and Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules under the TCPA generally:[1]

·    Prohibits solicitors from calling residences before 8 a.m. or after 9 p.m., local time.
·    Requires solicitors maintain a company-specific "do-not-call" (DNC) list of consumers who asked not to be called; the DNC request must be honored for 5 years.
·   Requires solicitors honor the National Do Not Call Registry.
·    Requires solicitors provide their name, the name of the person or entity on whose behalf the call is being made, and a telephone number or address at which that person or entity may be contacted.
·    Prohibits solicitations to residences that use an artificial voice or a recording.[2]
·    Prohibits any call made using automated telephone equipment or an artificial or prerecorded voice to an emergency line (e.g., "911"), a hospital emergency number, a physician's office, a hospital/health care facility/elderly room, a cellular telephone, or any service for which the recipient is charged for the call.[3]
·   Prohibits autodialed calls that engage two or more lines of a multi-line business.
·   Prohibits unsolicited advertising faxes.
·   In the event of a violation of the TCPA, a subscriber may sue for up to $1,500 for each violation or to recover actual monetary loss, whichever is higher. In addition, the subscriber may seek an injunction.

Looking for leads to your business? Visit them at

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


How to Start a Business With Small Capital

When the need of quit your job coming up to your head and start by you own there are some advises you should consider.
You will definitely need all the resources to develop your project starting with a laptop/PC , marketing budget, payroll, etc.
There are two ways that you might want to consider to begin the new venture:
Reduce your needs to 0
-You might want to raise money from the begining, but success doesn't come out overnight so you might want to keep money on the pocket before you start your business.
-You can be the only sole in your business so you don't have overhead and operational cost to pay every month. Example: Personal coach, trainer or sales consultant.
Raise capital from outside the box:
-Angel Investors
-Family members
Once the capital is there you'll do everything it takes to do the proof of concept of your product/service to the consumers, clients, media and why not the world.
Leading with all those core activities you don't want to miss out consumers/clients communications-engagement, a multichannel firm can help you with social media customer service (email, browser chat, social media chat and phone support) and the most important part is to get a cost effective service with the same quality that can be delivered in-house or and onshore firm and avoid to pay overhead.
Want to find out more about sales/customer support or call P:+719-239-5560

Verticals: call center companies in El Salvador, nearshore call center services, bpo el salvador, Insurance inbound calls, Direct mail response, el salvador call center